Do you desire a whitened and Brightened teeth that makes you look amazing and younger?

Perfect Look

 Due to the aesthetical result, a professional teeth whitening can give a client with a misaligned, gapped or even an overlapping tooth the perfect appearance and looks with a gorgeous smile to match it up.


 It requires no incision or surgical process whatsoever, which would please even the most anxious of patients or client.

Effectiveness and efficiency

Teeth whitening job done under professional care is more effective and last longer than over the counter treatment.sign and functionality.

Methods of achieving teeth whitening professionally

There are several tooth whitening alternatives. However, these alternatives may come with lots of uncertainties and unsatisfactory results, and the risks are too high not to damage some tooth, the cavity or other elements. That mentioned, our professional services offer a comprehensive oral examination that consists of full medical, dental, and social history.

This will give the entire history for us to see if there is any treatment that needs to be made, i.e. assessing the client’s conditions whether they are in good condition for a tooth whitening job. There are several methods by which our professionals carry out our whitening services for our client.

Steps to getting your teeth whitened

Different people have diverse kinds of tooth blemishes even though the condition is quite common. Every day different things go in and out of the mouth and like any device that is being used constantly, there is bound to be wear and tear. To make sure you get best treatment, these are the steps to take.

 The first step is to make sure you arrange for a session at our dental office. Our team will first run a series of exams to ascertain your oral health situation. After running those checks and tests, our experts will recommend the best suited solution for you. This is because not every tooth whitening treatment is effective for every case. After choosing the package recommended by our experts i.e. Take-home whitening, In-office whitening or Zoom Teeth whitening, you will undergo the process customized for your teeth. Within an hour or more, your look is completely different, and you can go around smiling with confidence.

Processes of Maintenance

After achieving the results of treatment, stains can return within an initial couple of months if not properly maintained. Therefore, the various methods of maintenance to protect treatment results are as such:

  •  Brushing and flushing teeth out with water after eating and drinking
  •  Flossing to remove plaque and biofilms between teeth
  •  Take special care during the first two to three days of treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is an aesthetic treatment that aims to lighten the color of teeth by removing stains and discoloration. It can be performed by a dental professional or using at-home whitening kits.

What causes teeth discoloration?

Teeth discoloration can be caused by various factors, such as consumption of colored beverages (coffee, tea, red wine), smoking, certain medications, age, and genetic factors.

How long do teeth whitening results last?

Teeth whitening results can vary depending on the method used and individual habits. Generally, the effects of a professional treatment last from 6 months to 2 years, while the results of at-home whitening kits can last from 3 months to a year. It’s important to maintain good oral hygiene and avoid foods and drinks that cause staining to prolong the results.

Is teeth whitening safe?

Teeth whitening is generally considered safe when performed correctly and following the manufacturer’s or dentist’s recommendations. However, some people may experience temporary tooth sensitivity or gum irritation after the treatment. It’s important to consult a dental professional before starting a whitening treatment, especially if you have pre-existing dental issues.

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